Comfort Aid

For many different reasons, a high number of patients choose to avoid the dentist for regular checkups and cleanings. Our professionals at Delta Dental clinic understand the dentist is not always the most relaxing place, and so we strive to take extra measures to ensure all of our patients are as comfortable as possible. Comfort aids that can be provided include:

There are currently 4 levels of sedation.

  • Minimal: Oral medication in pill form can be provided before treatment. The medication does not cause sleep but dulls the senses and makes the patient feel more relaxed.
  • Moderate: The patient is fully conscious during the procedure but may not remember it afterwards. Slurring of the words is common following the procedure.
  • Deep: The patient can be put close to a state of unconsciousness, but can still be fully woken up if needed.
  • General anesthetic: The patient can be put in a deep sleep throughout the procedure and shortly afterwards. This is generally used for longer medical procedures.

It is very important that we have an up-to-date medical history so that we are aware of any medications or allergies you might have to our types of sedation.

  • Topical Anesthetic: A flavored ointment can be applied directly to the skin or inside the patient’s mouth for the procedure to numb the area being worked on. Typically, this ointment is used to numb the pain of administering a stronger anesthetic before procedures.
  • Local Anesthetic: Medicine is injected into the gum or inner cheek to numb the patient’s mouth during the procedure. Very commonly, patients can experience numbness for some time after the procedure is finished. Be sure to contact the office immediately if you start to feel pain once the numbness subsides.


Monday – Firday 9:00 – 5:00
Saturday 9:00 – 3:00
Sunday/Holidays CLOSED

  (778) 590-1373


  110-8295 120th Street Delta, BC.

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