Dr. Komal Dhir

About Dr. Komal Dhir

My name is Dr. Dhir and I'm a Dentist in Delta, BC. I've been called "One of BC’s most sought after dentist," but decided to open my own dental office in my hometown of Delta, BC.

I want to find a new dentist. How can I get my records transferred?


The first step in choosing a new dentist is to list your needs, which might include: Location Hours of practice Language(s) spoken Generalist or specialist practice Ask your family and friends if they can recommend a dentist. Other members of your community, such as your doctor, may be able to offer suggestions. Some provincial [...]

I want to find a new dentist. How can I get my records transferred?2018-11-07T19:41:16-08:00

Gingivitis – What It Is and How You Can Avoid It


Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums (known as gingiva) that occurs most commonly when a sticky film of bacteria (known as plaque) surrounds the teeth. Plaque constantly surrounds the teeth, but if it is not removed with proper daily brushing and flossing, the gums can become irritated, inflamed, and may even bleed. Irritated or [...]

Gingivitis – What It Is and How You Can Avoid It2017-04-07T13:25:06-07:00

New Smart Toothbrush Improves Your Brushing Habits


Kolibree is a new company that is dedicated to providing people with solutions to health and well-being using digital technology. One in particular that was first showcased at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in 2014 is the Kolibree toothbrush. This new toothbrush swears it will improve your brushing habits and make your dentist even happier. [...]

New Smart Toothbrush Improves Your Brushing Habits2017-04-07T14:25:07-07:00

A Lifetime of Dental Health


Our dentists at Delta Dental Clinic have put together this infographic for our patients who want to maintain optimal dental health throughout their lives. Kid-friendly dental care Using a washcloth, gently clean your baby’s gums. This gets your baby used to oral care. Start brushing when the first tooth appears and floss when the [...]

A Lifetime of Dental Health2017-04-07T14:59:05-07:00

Canadians Living With Diabetes Are Susceptible to Oral Health Issues


According to the Canadian Diabetes Association, more than 3 million Canadians are currently living with diabetes. This number is estimated to climb to 4.2 million as of 2020. People with diabetes are especially susceptible to oral health problems because of decreased resistance to infection and inflammation. In addition, they are twice as likely to develop [...]

Canadians Living With Diabetes Are Susceptible to Oral Health Issues2017-04-08T01:59:54-07:00

Secondhand Smoke Linked to Increased Risk of Tooth Decay in Children


There is a high level of dental caries in deciduous teeth in developed countries; at a rate of 20.5% in children, aged 2-5 in the US and 25% in children aged three in Japan. Traditional methods to prevent tooth decay in young children include sugar restriction, oral fluoride supplementation and fluoride varnish. A new research [...]

Secondhand Smoke Linked to Increased Risk of Tooth Decay in Children2017-04-08T01:40:46-07:00
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